After trying to get shoes that fit for months, my daughter took me this morning to a fairly local Clarks shop ( where I'd been before without success) & hey presto with not much trouble I've purchased shoes also sandals , in the sale, & a further bargain was a 20% off the total bill if you bought 2 or more pairs. So though the shoes don't look very elegant, they fit & do feel there will be a benefit re walking.
We then went further on into Beckenham to M & S. , I hadn't been into this store for many years , wow, what a great surprise, it such a lovely store I will certainly go again.
KJD & I then went for lunch , what a great mum & daughter few hours we had. I'm so appreciative of all that's done for me , such a fortunate mum.
It started off really dull & cloudy but gradually brightened up & stayed dry. Do hope you've all had a good Wednesday.
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