Darganfod ac esgeuluso

Darganfod ac esgeuluso ~ Discovery and neglect

“Photography allows me to wander with a purpose.”
― Leonard Freed

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Roedd rhaid i ni fynd i Ysbyty Rookwood yn Llandaf heddiw. Cafodd Nor'dzin apwyntiad am Frechiad Covid ac es i draw (llythrennol) am y reid.

Rydw i'n hoffi crwydro o gwmpas lleoedd, yn arbennig lleoedd anaml y bydda i'n ymweld â nhw. Mae Ysbyty Rookwood yn lobsgows arferol o adeiladau o gyfnodau gwahanol. Mae rhai yn hollol wag, mae rhai angen atgyweirio a chynnal a chadw.

Mae un hwn yn ddiddorol iawn, mae'n rhan o'r prif adeilad, ond mae'n edrych fel rhywbeth o Bafaria. Does dim syniad gyda fi o'r arwyddocâd y bensaernïaeth a'r addurn. Eto, mae e wedi bod wedi bod esgeuluso ac wedi gadael yn wag..

Rydw i'n meddwl bod yr esgeuluso ydy'r peth gwaethaf oherwydd mae'n ffordd i ddymchwel lle, a beio amser a'r tywydd. Os roedden ni'n onest byddwn yn ei fwrw i lawr, ond os rydyn ni'n aros does rhaid i ni wneud y penderfyniad.

Rydw i'n gobeithio fy mod i'n anghywir a bydd rhywun yn ffeindio'r ffordd i gadw a defnyddio'r adeiladau prydferth honno.

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We had to go to Rookwood Hospital in Llandaff today. Nor'dzin had an appointment for a Covid Vaccination and I went along (literally) for the ride.

I like to wander around places, especially places I rarely visit. Rookwood Hospital is a typical maze of buildings from different periods. Some are completely empty, some need repair and maintenance.

This one is very interesting, it's part of the main building, but it looks like something from Bavaria. I have no idea of the significance of the architecture and the decoration. Again, it has been neglected and left empty..

I think the neglect is the worst thing because it's a way to demolish a place, and blame time and the weather. If we were honest we would knock it down, but if we wait we don't have to make the decision.

I hope I'm wrong and someone will find a way to preserve and use those beautiful buildings.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen ddrws yn Ysbyty Rookwood
Description (English): An old door at Rookwood Hospital

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