Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

There ain't no sense

sitting on a fence..

Really, pheasants are daft birds.  I found this one this morning sitting on a fence under a willow tree at the end of the reserve.  Walked past him so close I could almost have put my hand out and touched him.  He was there when I came back 15 minutes later, still looking goggle-eyed but determined not to move.  Good thing I'm vegetarian!

The weather has been very beautiful all day.  There was a red admiral in the reserve, high up in the trees, but no butterflies I saw in the garden.  The house is warm and full: J and Duke have returned after a couple of days away and tonight S is coming over to see K.  Such fun.  And, lovely blippers, my wretched keyboard is still sticking and dropping letters so sorry if my posts/comments look a bit illiterate at times.  I suppose I shall have to replace it, just for the sake of my pride ;(

Take care and have a lovely evening  xx

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