Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


From the inside looking out on a miserable day. 
I got most of the walk to therapy dry but coming home was a different story. I stopped in Starbucks to get a tea and a think over the session. 
As I was leaving she gave me a card that she had and she thought of me when she saw it. It reads 
Feelings are meant to be felt. 
They are not supposed to be denied, believed, or acted upon. 
They are just feelings. 
Feelings  are  meant to be felt. 

I understand this a bit as she is big on just sitting with  how you feel and working out where in your body you feel it.  This has helped me hugely recently and helps me to regulate myself. 
I am really not sure on the 'feelings are not meant to be acted upon'. Think this may have to be talked over next week. 

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