
By Incredibish

Not quite feeling myself

I woke up knowing that somehow I'd picked up the first of the seasonal colds... I'm not entirely blaming the sneezy girl at Westonbirt but, you know...

Anyway, I wasn't feeling quite myself, and as the day went on I become a little disorientated - on which I'm going to lay the blame for a little test of the RCD this afternoon, whilst pushing the lawnmower in too distracted a fashion... 

By the end of the afternoon I was feeling quite unwell, which is good because it means I'll probably kick the virus into touch overnight. Which is also good because tomorrow I have to wire a new cable in to the lawnmower...

Anyhow, I didn't feel up to much, but I thought I'd give you an impression of the mood I am in currently. (that's current as in now, not current as in electricity... the RCD performed its function very well). 

I'm in two minds as to whether it was worth the effort...

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