
By Ilja

It didn’t rain all day…

…it only rained when I had to go out.

Today I had the opportunity to become part of a new project. Last summer we filled so-called 'holiday bags' for children from families where things are not going well on various fronts (financial and other serious problems). Each bag contained a number of things to make the summer period more fun, including vouchers for doing an activity. Agencies and schools that supervise these children have informed us that this had many positive consequences for the children. And now December is coming, with fun and presents. But not in these families. And that is why we have been asked to come up with something for these children now. Great plans have been made again: on Sinterklaas evening, presents are brought to these families by Sinterklaas, who also plays a game with the children and the rest of the family. Just time to relax and be a real child just like other children. So there is work to be done: there need to be presents, volunteers to deliver them, and everything else that comes with it... The best part: the financial side has already been arranged! Two local companies have provided a very nice budget to realize this! Can't wait to start working those plans out and collect presents!

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