Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

A Room With a View

No, this isn't the Pensione Bertolini, and Maggie Smith isn't about to make an appearance, but I wouldn't mind if she did - visitors are very welcome Chez Moi!

This is my living room, together with the view - I thought you might like to see how easy it is for me to step out onto the deck, have a seat in the sun, or photograph whatever's out there. The couch, where I'm wont to slouch far too much these days, is on the left, together with the manadatory foot rest, plus computer at the ready. I did tidy up a little - but not too much! Thanks to my lovely next door neighbour, for the roses.

And thanks too to BikerRich for his encouragement over using Photomatix :) - it worked!

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