
By ishaan03


Today was a very productive day at Gogarburn met with a slow start though. I woke up at 8:30am and realised that I would need to take a tax if I want to reach before 9:15 am. I rushed to get ready. Thankfully, only my kind colleague Vijay beat me to the office today.

I spent today with my colleagues: Murray, Vijay and Ross(y) at Lunch and also met my colleagues from my last team: Cecilia and Sanjana. At lunch, I bothered Cecilia with boatloads of things happening in my life.

Post lunch, I also had a feedback session with Murray. He was happy with most of things and my approach and mentioned to me that I should not cry over some of the products forecasts. He gave me detailed feedback on some products which he thought should differ because of the recent trends and told me to note it down in an assumptions dataframe and also pitch it back to Jeremy and Craig, when they return.

After office, I went to the Pub quiz with "The Thomases" and Maya. It was fun, and Maya and Toms made me laugh. I guessed two right answers for two images that I had seen before somewhere.

I came back home with a satiated heart.

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