POG's Journal


More than halfway done.

Hello Everyone,

Another early morning in the workshop today… All the bits and bobs that were with the royal mail have arrived, so I managed to get everything I planned to do in the workshop done today.

The Giant Halfway is ready for me to practice TRACK STANDS as I find them a bit challenging now. I think this may be a product of ageing (loss of balance) and my replacement hip, anyway the Halfway has a fixed wheel on it and easy to alight quickly due to the small wheels.

On the future modifications on the bike, I still need to move the front brake so that it become invisible. I took some measurements and put pen to paper designing how it could be done. I think it will me more of a make it up as I go along project. 

The micro bike is in the background, I will photograph it and then wrap it up to keep safely until I do something with it.

Hopefully I will get to see my daughter tomorrow, but she has cancelled the last two times, so fingers crossed we get to meet.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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