Orb Photography

11°C  -  10 mph ENE Wind Speed  -  22 mph Gusts  -  Overcast  -  Rain.  Bought for the first time a copy of 'Psychic News'  -  I'm sure the psychics would immediately say I was meant to learn of orb photography and that the purchase enabled my learning☺☺ Orb Photographers believe that within the orbs you will see something or somebody that has an important message for you  -  Here's a LINK to how to do orb photography  Being the sceptic I am my immediate response to that is 'Rubbish!'  However, I thought I would give it a go and photographed the Psychic News cover  - result was orb but nothing inside it! (see my Extra!) So then I read the instructions again which said to gain the message-bringing orbs you had to use flash ☺☺ - still nothing inside the orb until I used a photoshop type filter once it has been downloaded to my computer   -  see my main blip.  Couldn't make sense of what the orb contained, but at that very moment Fiona phoned me from Latvia where she was visiting a friend!  I wonder what the psychics would make of that??

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