Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Warning! Massive Squirrel! Take care ahead. Protect your nuts!

I don't know why I find this sign so funny, but I do ;O)

Got a lift back down to Edinburgh with Claire and Andy today, it poured down the whole way but its surprisingly sunny here. I was supposed to be up there longer but in a complicated turn of events I decided to cat-sit for my folks while they are on holiday (I couldn't resist Felix's furry wee face when he looked up at me and thinking of him being all on his own now that Zoe is gone...) so I have to come back here this week and sort some stuff out so that I can go back up there next week!
Happily my brother is driving up on monday night so I'm going to scrounge a lift from him, if I'd had to do all this on the bus/train it wouldn't have happened!

Unfortunately we have a painter in the flat at the moment and thinking that I wouldn't be here this week he's left all his stuff in my room. Which is fine, but all my things are piled on the bed - which I am gazing at longingly, but am reluctant to start disturbing!

Knacked from traveling so am off for a cuppa tea (and most probably a lie down if i can make a wee space!)

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