Tar ...

... Darh

Going to say 'Yes!' to the 5D offer... Woooop! I just cant resist! Couple of weeks and i'll go pick it up! Yay!

Got home a bit early from work, so decided to walk to the school to pick Ty up, I took his scooter so he could scoot home... I had a little go, but my god how hard is scooting?! My legs ache now! lol!
It started to rain a little just as we were about to leave the park near the school, and it's a good 25min walk, was just a little shower thank goodness, was actually quite nice and refreshing!

Off to see another client tonight about a possible wedding next year, fingers crossed!! :o)

UPDATE 9:30pm - Just back from seeing the couple about a wedding... They booked us! Excellent! *excited*

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