How strange the change from major to minor

This morning came too early.

Last night Tooli and I went to bed very sad. I think Himself did too but he's much braver than us

I didn't sleep much; we had to be up early and I was stressing

We managed to talk Tooli into not coming to the airport with us.  It's bad enough us both crying in the car going but I couldn't bare the prospect of her in a car by herself all the way home.

We got packed up; said our good-byes and we got on board the Uber 

Tooli was watching our journey on her app.  She wanted to keep a check on us to make sure we got to the correct airport.   She text us when we were passing landmarks so that we could confirm we were there 

We reached the airport in good time and got through check-in and security in seconds.

We sat and had coffee and then browsed the duty free.  We got Our favs and some sweets for the office and then toddles along to the gate 

Amazing efficiency in the airport and we were boarded and took off on time.   I planned to sleep for a couple of hours.  And settled down in my seat and listened to a young toddler screaming for her mother 

The flight passed uneventfully; we had breakfast. They darkened the room; we watched movies; they turned the lights up and served us chicken rolls. And we landed 

As we got off I spotted a young couple who had been sitting in business class in full Arab gear get off in European clothing.  Also noted them clicking their fingers at who I presumed to be their maid .who had been sitting in economy with the screaming child.   

They wandered along the corridor and joined the queue for passport control  and to my utter joy after queuing round four room length passes the man stopped them and told them they were in the wrong queue and would have to return to the begining and start again.

Pa ha ha 

So we got through the passport control and got our bags and exited the building. 

We.walked to the car park and got in  and started the drive back.   I had yet another sob as I realised we weren't in Kansas any more

The photo is the water tower which sits at the front of Tooli's estate   it's the only way I have to recognise where we are in relation to the city.    

All the houses are square and white plaster. Some have castle like top to them  it's all very confusing trying to work out how to get back or where we are.  I totally need a map so that I can work out where everything is in Doha in relation to that water tower 

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