secret garden

By freespiral

Vicar in a tutu?

A scanty bit of a thing
With a decorative ring
That wouldn't cover the head of a goose
.....The vicar in a tutu
He's not strange
He just wants to live his life this way

The most abyssmal day weatherwise possible - I was awoken at around 3am by something that sounded like a train roaring through a plaftform - my head told me this couldn't be - it was just torrential rain. It hasn't stopped until a few minutes ago when a patch of blue suddenly emerged and I shot out into the garden, for I fear it won't last. This teeny little flower caught my eye, for it does look so like a tutu and nature has done a wonderful job on the colour grading. Talking of tutus, it just has to be The Smiths - what very strange and compelling lyrics!

Thank you for all the encouraging words on my forthcoming retirement change of direction. Very mixed feelings of course, but I'm 100% sure it's the right thing to do. I did fib a little yesterday re children's work for I've been busily putting science work into folders, that just had to be done, and all work is in the right order. I've also been sorting out all the school books I have at home - an embarrassing large heap is now spreading over the studio floror. I reckon there's about 200 there. And is it safe yet to get rid of my 'useful' bags - yogurt pots, egg cartons, loo rolls, scraps of fabric, tin foil, sweetie papers, raffia,cotton wool, dolly pegs, bubblewrap......

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