
By HClaireB

Peace and quiet

After a noisy week in London (riot in Piccadilly Circus on Tuesday, David Bowie videos at the V&A on Wednesday, howling gale at the top of the Shard on Thursday), it's very peaceful in a spring barley field this afternoon!

However, it wasn't so peaceful back in the farmyard. We will sell the 30 calves born last October and November next Friday through Frome Livestock Market. But first they have to have a TB test. We brought the cows with their calves into the farmyard, and split them up so that the vet could test the calves. The vet was late, and by the time she arrived, the decibel level in the farmyard was phenomenal - cows do good imitations of foghorns. The cows and calves are all back together again, and quiet and peaceful, out in the field this evening. But next weekend will be even worse after the calves have gone to market - the cows will blare and blare until their voices are hoarse. It will take them 3 or 4 days to quieten down again. They need the next four months without a calf at foot to build up their body reserves for their next calves which will arrive in the autumn.

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