
By Ellaphant

'Nieberter Molen', Niebert

If you pronounce Niebert in a certain wrong way, you might sound like a frog.  :DD)))

No idea there was a mill here until the database told me so, but this was Plan B as Plan A was in a much greyer situation.  At least I had a bit of blue.  You can tell I shot this in the car as some drops were falling and the camera was at risk.  Nonetheless, glad for a long drive.

Built in 1899 and from this angle it reminds me of a thermos bottle.  Another tight location and I was glad I did not have to trespass, but it was a close call.  Taking chances while I can, but we have such uncertain weather these days.  This was shot relatively earlier in the day, but the area stayed dry long after I was done.

Later in the afternoon, supermarket errands and kitchen duties.  I've also begun a new mandala and did some MOOCking as well.  After dinner, AW left for Tuesday evening live bridge and am now enjoying some quiet hours.  Thankful for a full day.

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