This was the view as I left the car park this morning. The temperature was only 13%C but as there wasn’t a wind it didn’t feel cold. I must say tonight I’m very cold.
So shopping done then posted a letter I came home to get a snack lunch as J was coming to put my printer right , ie it was reading - - no ink- - although it appeared to be full. However it was the colour that had run out, easily corrected , J put me right on that one , also told me what was wrong with the iPad which wasn’t allowing me to rely or send emails . So a call to Bt & a very long call to rectify this is done except has a new password has been created this has to be connected to /Apple iPad . By this time J had gone home so I’m still having to wait until my S in L can come up to do this for me. So I’m afraid Blipfoto will have to wait for my subscription ! as soon as it’s all go, I shall be able to complete the task. I was speaking to the lovely Bt adviser she agrees that firms should give another route to confirm a deal as not everyone has technology & she was quoting how difficult it was for her & the family to get certain documents for her grandmother!
Do hope you’ve all had a good day, I hear a storm is on its way tomorrow?
THANK YOU J FOR YOUR HELP & also NATASHA from Bt technical help .
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