Gruesome threesome
Suitably horrid for Halloween?
There were still a few edible tomatoes in the greenhouse which we had roasted for tea. These, of course, went in the garden bin along with the rest of the old tomato plants. Such a change from the vibrant plants 5 months ago:
The back continues to frustrate. Sitting is uncomfortable unless heat is applied. Getting up is a struggle yet I can bend and do up shoelaces, put on socks and pick up stuff from the floor.
And walk. We had a gentle walk around the thronging streets of Bearsted assaulted on all sides by phalanx’s of scary kids dashing from door to door carrying plastic buckets. I was surprised there were so many kids living on one road. It felt like families were coming from miles around to join the fun.
One unfriendly homeowner whose property is guarded by an electric gate anyway had put up a notice saying “No Pumpkin Zone” Why? No need!
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