What a Mix up!
For some reason when I bought the paint for the back wall of the extension
I chose a colour that was nothing like what I really wanted.
I could blame it on feeling a bit low in sugar (that makes me lose concentration and do daft things, I’m not diabetic just have high metabolism), I could blame it on being distracted by Frank who wanted bright orange, or I could blame it on too much choice and the lighting in B+Q.
Anyway, the one I bought was too light. I knew I had other half used pots of paint in the cellar so I dug them out and found one that would darken the one I’d bought. The one from the cellar was water based satin which I bought for the wooden cladding in the kitchen, the one I bought in B&Q is emulsion. Hmmm, I thought, I wonder if I can mix them. (If Frank had been there he would have said NOOOOO!) So I looked on good old Google and Google said yes. So I did and it worked.
I still have a second coat to do - I hope I have enough! ;-D))
I haven’t told Frank what I did.
Goodnight ;-)X
The extra is for Annieone.
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