
By Susanna

Today, the 3rd working day, was milder than yesterday in terms of work pace, but it seems quite pointless. Sure, it's nice to be at work, but it's difficult. From 9 am to 12 pm, three meetings from 15minutes to one hour (the first of whichmultitasked while cycling and doing part of the jump) and one telephone conference. Fortunately, I coult take breaks in between, had time to walk, excersice and straighten my leg. In the afternoon, no meetings, but chatting on issues using the cell phone with a colleague, while I was lying on the bed. Lunch in the middle of the day.

It is quite difficult to work sensibly on the laptop, when you should also rest your leg quite often. It means that meetings have to be shortened to only fifteen minutes and a half hours, like today. A lot of fast thinking and fun!. And you have to limit what you do - today I had to skip a couple of tasks. 

And our so-called actual occupational health doctor wondered today why I was already at work. I told him that this was what his colleague wanted on Friday, and I wasn't asked. Everything came to me right from the bushes. The actual occupational health doctor was sorry, because this is not how this is usually done. We went through the options together, what could be done now... 

Joyful news is that I finally got permission to bath in a sauna and swim. 

In the evening, I lit candles and lights into the garden, did the rest of my excersices and went for 1km walk. 

Snowing today too, but only less than 5cm!

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