Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A bit of blue sky

After the downpour that came when I was going home from the store (of course...). Wind blowing and it rained like crazy. I tried to act all jedi about it and pretend the rain didn't bother me and because I couldn't do anything about the rain just go with it (and get home fast!). I was happy, though, that I didn't have to play football in the downpour... as there was a match about to start. When I came up to my apartment building I saw a man with a bike standing just outside my door, where there's roof since there's a staircase and a loft to the apartments above. I said hello to him when I came and he explained that he was on his way home when the sky opened up and he was just borrowing shelter for a moment. No problem with me! I felt a bit sorry for him in his short biking outfit, but he told me he didn't have a long way home, so I left him there.
Half an hour later I saw this piece of sky and took my camera and got out to capture it.

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