A time for everything

By turnx3

“Scarecrows in the Garden”

We spent a wonderful morning exploring Atlanta Botanical Gardens, all decked out with gorgeous Fall/harvest decorations, and further enhanced by creative scarecrows crafted by businesses, individuals, schools and organizations scattered around the gardens - so much colour and textures, rendered more vibrant by the sun in a clear blue sky.
By the time we had finished there, it was time to get some lunch, then we went for a walk along a section of the Atlanta Beltline (see extra). The Beltline comprises 22 miles of unused railroad tracks circling the core of the city’s in-town neighbourhoods, featuring trails and walkway as well as open green space and parks. The Beltline is also home to various art installations, from murals to sculptures, and has numerous restaurants and bars scattered along its route. It’s open in sections at present, still under development. It’s widely used for recreation, exercise and commuting.
Late evening, Roger and I drove to the airport to pick Laura up, flying in from Wisconsin for a long weekend.
Step count: 15,819

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