Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Ice Cream in Trafalgar Square

Our last day in London, and what better way to end than with a 99 in Orla's favourite place, Trafalgar Square. We were quite late going out as we had packing to do. We got the bus in, which was fun as it took us past the Tower of London and St Paul's. Trafalgar Square is all fenced off and has a marquee in the middle of it, obviously being prepared for something. Orla was quite disappointed not to be able to swing on the bars. We wandered up Regent Street and did a bit of shopping. Ed came to meet us and we had dinner in the Union Cafe in Marylebone. We got the Jubilee line to Canary Wharf and did the walk back from there for the last time, then sat on the balcony until it was just a bit too cold.

Bye London, we'll miss you.

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