Red letter day.

It's my birthday but that is not the most significant celebration today.

A few weeks ago Jamie was asked to be and accepted as a Student Advocate at University. He signed the paperwork last week and today did his first proper paid days work as an employee. He was made up to show us his ID card with his photo and the word Staff printed on it.

He doesn't quite recognise the significance of this little bit of plastic to future potential employers. A student working - not unusual. But, its not filling shelves or working behind a bar, it's responsible work for a significant employer.

He's working again tomorrow. We dropped him off back at his digs and I suspect he'll be in bed at a reasonable time to be up early in the morning. It's hard tiring working he admitted.

Welcome to the real world son!

He wasn't too interested in giving up both days pay in order to pay for the meal we just had though. Your next task son, is to get paid three times the hourly rate you got today.

Have to say that both Gail and I are pleased as punch for him - he's done it all off his own application and effort. Well done Jamie!

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