
By CleanSteve

The good samaritan at the station

I had a message from Helena that her weekend retreat had finished slightly earlier than expected and she was getting a lift part of the way to Swansea. That meant she could get on an earlier set of trains back to Swindon and then home to Stroud, saving her a few hours on the road on a Sunday evening.

The train from Swindon was a few minutes late. I parked right beside the station and walked onto the westbound platform with a camera. I thought I would play with it as I’d blipped a scene of the station in daylight when Helena departed a few days ago.

A friendly man jovially asked about my rather retro looking Fujifilm camera wondering if it was using film. I assured him it was quite digital and that I liked it. We had a quick discussion about photography, which he was quite knowledgeable about and before I knew it I asked him if I could take his picture, as I thought I’d show him its quality. He kindly agreed and then later permitted me to use it for my journal.

I asked him if he lived locally, and as it happens, I expect his house appears in the trees beyond the meadows shown in yesterdays blip. He said he’d been called up by friends to pick up a visitor because someone in the friend’s family had just had a very serious operation. He was a good samaritan. I hope he comes to visit the market when I have a stall as I suggested to him he might like to see some of my local scenes, which possibly show his neighbourhood in Thrupp.

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