Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Swinging 70s

My childhood friend Dawn messaged me today to say she’d become a published author - I’m not surprised as she was such a creative child, always making up stories and songs - at one point we had our own language, much of which we can both remember today.

I Blipped her many moons ago here and I’m sure there is another photo of us somewhere but I can’t find it - I did find this, me in the garden where Dawn and I spent endless hours playing on that swing - note the metal chains that used to leave rust marks on our hands, and the wooden seat full of splinters. One of us would climb up the side and rock the whole apparatus while the other swung as high as possible  ~ a health and safety nightmare!

On the side there is a huge blackberry bush - I loathed blackberries - still do, and couldn't understand why my friends would want to come round and eat them. I also dreaded the blackberry and apple pies, flans and jam that would appear every August. I do think we had such simple childhoods!

I hope there are children playing in that garden nowadays  (maybe not today as it’s in Plymouth and the weather is a tad inclement…..).

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