By greengirl

I was up early this morning and on the No26 bus to Portobello to see Sunnie for a long-overdue haircut. I arrived before 8.30 so took a walk along the beach and I would have walked back along it after the haircut but the heavens had opened and a 26 was passing so I hopped on and went for some shelter in the St James Shopping Centre until it passed. As you can see, the sea was pretty calm - Storm Babet battered this coastline but Ciarán seems to have hit further south.

I paid a quick visit to the National Portrait gallery to see an exhibition called "Making Space" - photographs of architecture. Well worth a visit if you're in the area.

At midday I went back to the Premier Inn where we had been staying to meet D and check out, and after coffee in the Red Cockerel cafe, we caught the bus back to Dumfries and home.

Joanna brought Jess back this evening - she has had a lovely time :-) and now I must have an early night as it's work tomorrow.

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