Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Roots of Happiness.

It's been another unpleasant weather day but that's nothing new anymore, so with the flow I go! The weather here has certainly been nothing even comparable to other areas. I've been thinking lots of those living in Guernsey and jersey because the Channel Islands will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Up and out into the rain for a walk before heading to see Holly, Sylas and Ezra. Sylas was sick twice whilst I was there, appearing to have picked up a little bit of the bug Ezra is suffering from too. As Holly said, it's all glamour!! It's always great to see Holly and our friendship has endured so much over the years literally anything goes including sicky children! 

This afternoon involved a trip to Salts Mill and the beautiful book shop. It is just the best! I could have spent a small fortune on gorgeous books for school and that's before I even made my way to the other sections. 

I stumbled upon the book at the bottom of my blip today and I loved it so much I just had to share it with you all. It's called Roots of Happiness and it's written by Susie Deny who is on a mission to find light in the deepest, darkest corners of our language. Alongside beautiful illustrations she highlights some of the forgotten gems of the English language that will lift you out of your mubble fubbles (slightly sad mood) and leave you feeling forblissed (extremely happy). 

Some of my favourites include apricity which is the joy of sun on a winter's day and gigglemug to describe someone always smiling. I also like eucatastrophe which is the opposite of catastrophe therefore meaning a happy ending, and how can I not include cacklefart! Apparently it was a popular word for an egg hundreds of years ago! 

What a great book! 

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