
By Greenstead

Bookclub again

I had a busy day, starting with a hospital appointment. Then I went to do some shopping in Asda, which is very close to the hospital. All the Christmas stock is now out - it’s nearly two months to Christmas… way too early! But the Christmas adverts on the telly have started too, so I’m not surprised.
After lunch I went to my art group. A good turn out today.
In the evening it was book group time. It’s an online book group and it was a nightmare logging in. They have changed the host site and I struggled to firstly read and then follow the instructions on how to join the group.
The book is a very cynical look at social media. It’s about a group of totally obnoxious characters in the same family who manage to all get themselves into trouble due to their internet activities. There are some really funny bits, so I did enjoy the book, but it was quite hard to follow when you listen to it.

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