Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Double Click II

A companion piece to yesterday's shot but bridging three quarters of a century in age! So jumping from the two 20 year old boys, here is mum with Donald and Doreen both 94 and happily married for 72 years! Among all three, they have 275 years of living experience, and Doreen can't quite believe her two daughters are both old age pensioners!! Donald, the son of a Welsh Methodist minister, was present on Christmas Island in the Pacific for the British atom bomb tests in the 1950s and recalls turning his back to the blasts, feeling huge heat on it and seeing the bones of his hands which he used to cover his face as if looking at an x-ray. He, for one, hasn't had to sue for injury to his health. They retired to Pitlochry 24 years ago when they met Mum. She took her leave of them reminding them that she didn't want to hear news of any divorce in the next Christmas card!

In other news, we later had a family get together (a fish tea) with Busboy and his family; DD was fondly missed.

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