Year here
So here I am. One year on Blipfoto and no misses. It's strangely hard to believe I have made it.
As some of you may recall, I originally ventured onto the site after following a now departed member on Twitter. I read her blip tweets, had a look at the site, skulked about for a little while, then finally one day picked up my camera..... Back then I had no preconceptions about how long I might keep it up. And some time around the end of my first month, I seem to remember, my enthusiasm began to waver. But then I got a stern tweet from Roz (who also became my first regular commentator) informing me that I couldn't "give up". So I didn't.
But it was only when I reached my 100th blip that I definitively decided to keep going for a whole year. (I cringed a little, I must admit, reading that entry again. Premature self-congratulation klaxon!)
I know its grand for you retired folks, but I started a new job last August and that has meant clocking up quite a few long hours. There have certainly been days over the last year (quite a few really) when I have had no ideas, when I've been knackered, when my mind has been on other things, when I'd much rather have been doing something else...but I've always resisted the temptation, forced myself, partly because of you lot, and partly because I had set myself a challenge and by 'eck, I was going to stick with it.
My original plan to skedaddle after one year. 365 days was the challenge I'd set myself. But I've made too many (virtual) friends on here (yes, Cailleach, I'm looking at you) to consider doing that now. So I won't be quitting, but I will (initially at least) be moving to a more irregular blipping schedule...a few days off might be quite good for me. But I'm not disappearing!
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