Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Friday — Daughter

This morning our daughter, Deidre, came into our sunroom bedroom to tell us she had spoken to her ex husband. (Since this past March, she has lived in our SoCal house; actually she rents her old bedroom from us and then she gets this place to herself much of the time because we now mostly stay at our little Central California house.) She and her former husband have remained friends and speak from time-to-time.

He has moved north to the San Francisco Bay, actually East Bay, area. The company he has worked for for approximately 18 years here in SoCal has expanded into that area and opened an office up there. So he moved up there a number of months ago now. After their phone conversation, she was looking back in her phone texting and found a story he had sent her 10 years ago. In this photo, she is reading us that story. Interesting what stays on our phones. I nonchalantly captured her picture as she read it to us.

She and her husband separated in June of 2012. He “waited and chased” her for probably 6 years. Then they finally divorced. She now thinks it was one of the worse decisions she has ever made. They are both still single and both still friends. Both of their adult kids hardly speak to her.

Later today I cleaned out a big cardboard box of old letters. Some time around June of 2016 I started the process of shredding old paperwork. It seems like it has been an ongoing pastime since then . . . shredding our stuff, shredding Mr. Fun’s mom’s stuff (after she died in March of 2018); and now finding a box of my mom’s stuff (she died in August 1983). I found letters that my mom had written, some that my mom’s mom had written, some that my dad had written, and some that his mom, my Grammie Teele had written and actually one that Grammie Teele’s mom had written (that has handwriting that I cannot read). The box included lots of photo negatives. Crazy the things that get saved.

From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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