Silly Saturday
Here is Onken who is visiting for 2 nights. Silly? Yes she is a bit silly but cute too. We had just been for a walk around the block so she was feeling happy.
I’ve had a really low key day and done as little as possible. I visited the GP on Wednesday and asked if I could reduce my BP tablets. I often get dizzy when standing up quickly. He said why not go off them for a trial and monitor the BP. I was pleased with that. So far it’s low in the morning and high later on in the day so I’m not sure what to do. The top reading is low and the bottom reading is high - this has been an ongoing problem for years. One of my aunties had labile blood pressure and always had trouble getting it to behave.
This afternoon we had a loud thunderstorm - not much rain or wind though. We haven’t had many this spring which is unusual usual.
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