A time for everything

By turnx3

Cumberland Gap

Today we were heading home. Our route took us initially cross country, off the interstate, which was really nice. As we set out, the clouds were quite low, sitting on top of the mountains, but as the morning progressed, they lifted, and by the time we reached Cumberland Gap, shown in my blip, the sun had come out as you can see. Cumberland Gap National Historic Park, lying at the point where Virginia, Tennesee and Kentucky come together, was the first great gateway to the west, where early settlers crossed the Appalachians to settle America. The metal figures depicting bison and early settlers were at one of the visitor centers, and the old church was in the small village. It was a nice opportunity on our journey to have a break and stretch our legs - and provide me with a blip! However, we shall have to return it and explore it in more detail - it’s good hiking country. Most of the rest of our journey was back on interstate 75, a stretch of road we know well, since we take it to get down to Atlanta and beyond to Florida! We arrived home about 8 pm, conveniently missing trick or treating time!
Step count: 3,939

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