The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

A PJ Saturday

Little one had an up and down night coughing so when he fell into a deep sleep about 9 this morning I cuddled in with him and let him sleep. It was gone 11 when he woke up again so we had a PJ day…though I was dressed by the time the photo was taken. He seems to have taken an allergy to fleece and keeps coming out in hives, it’s happened twice this week at home and it started again here this afternoon when he was cuddled under my fleecy blanket!

I took him home as the sun went to bed…his description as I carried him over the old bridge…a police car “like his” passed us at the Berwick end of the bridge! My creative skills mustn’t be too bad as my sons both recognised the accoutrements I’d drawn on the box. Once home I washed yesterdays dishes whilst cooking tea and tidied up behind sir…I’ve eaten and I’m now ready for Strictly.

Extra of the lovely reflections of Berwick in the river Tweed as we crossed the bridge.

Thanks to Chris (60plus) for hosting Silly Saturday today in honour of admirer.

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