
By Pleach

This weekend the sound of fireworks can be heard while people celebrate Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night, was originally called Gunpowder Treason Day.    it commemorates the date when Guy Fawkes was found trying to blow up parliament and the king in 1605. “Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder treason and plot…….” As a result a law was passed in 1605 that forced people to attend church on the 5th November and give thanks for “the joyful day of deliverance” of the King and Parliament.  It remained law until 1859 although probably was not enacted up till then.
I always remember the 4th of November for a sad reason.  Today it is five years since my father died and it is also eight years since a very good friend died after a fall and another friend died three days after we last visited her in hospital five years ago yesterday.  Three years ago today we missed a funeral due to covid restrictions and a couple of days before had watched a memorial service online for an American friend with whom we have visited   Her husband’s service is next week so we can join online and see the seven remaining family members who have stayed with us over the years, including last June.
I like to remember my parents with a rose from the plant that my father gave my mother but unfortunately it has only buds just now so here’s a passion flower that I saw today.

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