
Saturday.... a full on busy and wonderful morning at the village hall. It was a non stop couple of hours with the hall full of chatter and laughter, also of course, much consuming of tea, coffee, bacon butties and homemade cake provided by a local lady who loves to bake. My job this week was taking orders and money. As and when we get a lull of people queuing we dash about the hall collecting empties! We only have a really small but perfectly formed, and recently refurbished kitchen, which allows just enough space for the cook and the washer-upper. There are 4 volunteers in the hall each week, one to cook, one to take orders and money, one to serve teas and coffee and a general helper, who delivers the bacon butties to the tables and collects used mugs etc and washes them. In quieter moments we all muck in with the collecting from tables and at the end of the morning we all help with clearing everything and leaving the hall spick and span. We go through an average of 100 mugs and various other utensils each week.
When I got home it was dry but cold so I had a turn round the garden to get some air. I walked down to the hens to chat with them, two of which are in moult. It seems ridiculous that they are losing their lovely warm feathers when the weather has turned so cold. Hopefully it won't be too long before they have all grown back and they are cosy again. It makes them look so skinny too!
The afternoon was spent being fairly lazy yet again, but I don't feel guilty. Tomorrow morning Kath and I will down in the recycle shop sorting through the dozen black sacks brought in this morning along with several large boxes, which is impossible to deal with while the shop is open and full of people.
Mum had a disappointing day with hospital texts and a poorly stomach again, so not such a happy phone call but she had managed to book the guest room for me, and is pleased I will be visiting again soon.

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