Well, i've been aware that there were Badgers using our garden for a few years now.
Holes had been punched through three of our 6 foot fence panels, not all on the same side of the garden, but one hole in each row of fencing.
These weren't small holes, they were big holes, probably 18 inches across.
When the holes appeared i did the very niave thing of replacing the three panels, and within a week of replacement the Badgers had punched holes through the new panels, as a result we decided simply to tidy the holes and allow the Badgers to come and go as they pleased.
We're currently reorganising our back garden, and a couple of week ago Bev suggested we mount a Halogen light high on the back of the house to light up the garden. Last Saturday night, Bev had already gone up to bed and i'd fallen asleep down in the conservatory at the back of the house, when i woke up at quarter past twelve, there was a Badger eating what was left of the bread we'd put out for the birds. He didn't seem at all bothered by the brightness of the light, laying down while he ate each piece of bread. It took him about 40 minutes to see off all of the bread, helped himself to a drink from the bird bath and trundled off into the darkness.
Fast forward a week, we're now putting out, sandwiches of peanut butter, strawberry jam, with side portions of dog food, grapes and peanuts.
We now have a situation where badgers and foxes are visiting the garden, but of course they've been doing this for years, but this is the first time we've seen them.
Hopefully there'll be more images to come, if i do blip more badger or fox images i'll tell you about how i'm housing my camera out in the garden in a large plant pot.........
Larger Image..........
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