
By ForthPorts

The Barony, Broughton Street.

A slightly disappointing roast lunch although the rest of my party seemed pleased with theirs. It was all fine blethers, that is until a band turned up. Two guys, two women, two guitars, a double base and a fiddle. They were awful, after 15 minutes of aimless tuning they fired into their first number. A dreadful cacophony. You couldn't hear yourself think. We grabbed coats, abandoned drinks and headed out (we never heard the end of their first song.) We were not alone, they did a decent job clearing the place. I felt sorry for those just starting their meals and were thus trapped by their need for nourishment. Hey Ho.

As a bonus we discovered the old Crombies Butchers is now a very posh Broughton Market. 'How posh?' you ask. Check out the caviar flavoured crisps! You don't get that in Londis. I would have tried them but at £4.50 a bag !!! 

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