
By PorridgeWog

Sunny Sunday (Day 3100)

Sunday shopping out of the way, my beautiful wife and I headed for Stromness and got out a lovely ride on George and Red. George was a fair bit more excitable than yesterday, and was great fun.
Back at the field, we got hay out, then zoomed home for a quick lunch before HV headed off to work. I got Sigyn out a wander and was too warm again. Not bad for November.
When I got back home I cut the grass, more to collect the leaves than anything else, and set about strimming the grass I let grow wild this year. It was all going fairly well until the strimmer head scattered its components over a fairly wide area, losing some of them in the process. Harumphing I got on with re-loading the van and clearing up the garage - a job I have been avoiding for far too long.

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