
By CyclopsJnr


Rugby training in the morning, it was a really pleasant day for it although muddy from past rain.

Home for lunch and low-key home things including Lego and Rummikub.

Then Cyclops came back with Granny as they had needed to be in town. So CyclopsJnr was able to show Granny his ship's log and then we all went up to our local pub for an early dinner.

Cyclops had brought fireworks! So home for a small firework display in our garden before Cyclops took Granny home.

MoonCat didn't like the fireworks, she went all fluffed up and hid behind some furniture. At bedtime she must have sneaked under CyclopsJnr's bed because he woke in the night to find her sleeping on his bed next to him. She hasn't done that before so I think he was pleased and we said it was nice she trusted him and felt like he was a safe place to be.

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