Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Pat ...

Pat's face kind of sums up how I felt about the weather today. Every other 24 hr bike race I have 'pit bitched' at, I've been able to sit in the sun drinking wine and chatting with the other WAGS. Weather is yuk - way too yuk for camping! And poor Mike was coming in from his laps absolutely plastered in mud - not a nice feeling knowing you've got to keep going in soggy wet socks and shoes. I hope he doesn't get trench foot!

Got a great camping spot next to the course near the end, which doubles back on itself so as Mike went past he shouted what food he wanted so I could get it ready for him when he stopped. We had a little chart with what time he left, how many laps he did and what he ate as I was really worried he wouldn't be able to get enough calories in. He has no fat reserves to keep him going in times of need! Felt quite worried about him but he seemed chirpy enough and had slapped on plenty of sudocream ( or arse lard as Dan calls it!) and had a pack full of twix and jelly babies in case he ran out of steam.

Me and Claire managed a nice walk with Pegs in the dry and got chased out of the field by a frolicking young bull! It was more the big beast with the horns coming up behind that one that freaked me out! Started on the rose about 2pm. Day just disappeared. Freezing night on my own in the tent as Mike only slept a few hours - nearly tempted to cuddle up to Pegs but she really ponged (wet dog smell) and kept walking in sheep poo in the field so in the end I didn't invite her into the bed!

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