Behind the scenes

Community Council meeting  tonight.

I have been a member of the Colintraive and Glendaruel Community Council  since December, persuaded to stand only because if the minimum number of nominations  had not been reached the Community Council would have gone into abeyance.

It is a sad fact that there just aren't enough people willing to give time to such things in many rural communities , not least because the same people often end up doing everything and eventually get burned out.  

The elected local authority councillor who is meant to come to our meetings rarely bothers, which is another problem as the chain of communication with the Council about key issues such as roads -including  recently the  severe weather effect which has severed our main link to Dunoon for the past five weeks  - ceases to work.

None the less  thanks to the Community Council and its members - as well as the local Hall committees and the Development Trust - things still get done, like the installation, and now updating, of defibrillators like this one which Is now all lit up at night too. 

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