People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Extended Family

Meghan had a hanging basket filled with staghorn ferns by her door. Few days before her move, we discovered that a momma wren had made a nest in the basket, under the ferns. Meghan improvised, and moved the nest with 3 eggs in it into this contraption. Momma wren clearly didn't mind; she laid two more eggs. Three days ago, I saw them hatch! Today, they look like this. There are five birds in there; if you look really closely you can see the fifth beak in the rear on the left.

I am able to observe them without scaring momma, because I have a good view of the nest through the slit under the cover from the nearby stair. I don't approach unless she is not there.

This whole adventure has been really moving. I haven't told LM about this, because his curiosity mixed with disregard for authority would likely mean some sort of disaster (knocking the contraption over while trying to peek in?). Perhaps when he is a little older, he will have a chance to witness something like this again.

For now - I am the only one walking in awe :-)

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