River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Inquisitive Wasps

Rain first thing soon cleared and we had a very pleasant day.

Before I’d even had breakfast, I’d put a load of washing in the machine - it was hanging on the line before 10am and dry enough to bring indoors before lunchtime. Whilst I was checking on the washing I saw a Red Kite flying in the direction of the next village, I’d hoped to get a photo but it didn’t come back :-(

Following my “success” with baking gluten free pizza in my Actifry yesterday, I went in search of a simple cake  - preferably one which included apples so as to make use of some of these - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3162824667840906863 - I found a very simple recipe on YouTube, the recipe and instructions are included in the notes - https://youtu.be/WinlzKE6Oms?si=fDghbtfzK0RMIfDV - I lined the “cake tin” base and side with heavy duty grease proof paper, no mess minimal cleaning - the cake was also delicious!

One little hedgehog out early for its kitten biscuits, much later when it was properly dark, there was more crunching noises too.

There were a number of wasps enjoying the apples and I’m happy to share with them, planet Earth wouldn’t function without them - https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/what-do-wasps-do.html 

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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