Elective in India

By Niebunuo


My night out in Bangalore was great, I went to a new bar called the Humming Tree which was a lot nicer than most the places back home- weirdly though the bars in Bangalore aren't allowed a dance floor (apparently it encourages bad behaviour!)
This morning I was up early to travel to Mysore with Mithoo and Depan. I hate long car journeys, I always feel ill, and it took our driver ages to find my hotel- I'm so glad I had Mithoo with me for help.
The hotel seems nice, everyone is very keen to help. I received a phone call offering me a dressing table, very confused I just agreed, and ten minutes later I was presented with a "pressing table"- an ironing board to you and me! I think I'm still getting used to the accent!
Tonight I'm catching up on the Apprentice and doing some washing- pretty standard might really... Except that instead of a washing machine I have a plastic bucket and elbow grease, perhaps this trip will mean an end to the bingo wings.

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