Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Not the most beautiful photo - unless you really love lice (I don't...). But this was what I took a photo of today. After battling these little pests and the mould that accompanies them, for 2 hours, I went out to tell my boss I needed a break. She and other coworkers whee Outside in between the greenhouses, turning around soil in our large wooden planters, to prepare them for winter seeds. It's a trial to see if those veggies will thrive or not come Spring.
But, before all of my chores, I gave the 'leaves card' to my boss. The one I blipped a couple of days ago. She got really happy and I got a string of questions how I made it. I'm so happy she liked it. :)
Anyway, I went outside to help out with turning the soil and clearing it from roots and stuff. The worms we dug upp weren't impressed at all... and the we raked the soil to spread it out evenly. Worms were still unimpressed with the situation, but once the soil laid still again, I hope they were able to seek protection further down in the planters.
I went inside once, because it was raining and I got tired and cold... and since I wasn't feeling totally rid of whatever I had during the weekend, I needed to take it a bit easy. I went back out again and helped the others finish the job.
After that I sat down and cut felt pieces for a sewing project a coworker is doing. Cacti pin cushions, in bright green, placed in a small pot. So cute! 
After work I dragged myself to the post office to send the letter to the US, and then finally home I haven't done much else than rest.

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