
By FergInCasentino

A mantis growl?

This feisty female mantis seemed to want to duke it out with me. She’d gotten wedged by the door and I only wanted to move her to safety. Up came her little raspy fists, out went her wings and I am sure she growled at me. Apparently they can hiss by expelling air - don’t ask me where or how. But this seemed more like a growl.

Mind you I was in a state of shock. I was sitting catching up on Gaza when the house rocked. At first I thought the lorry up behind us loading logs from forestry work must have somehow banged into the house.

I felt the whole house shift like a heavy table being given a sharp kick.

Funny how the mind seeks out some explanation however unlikely and anger springs up to blame someone or something for the shock and fear sparked by the world threatening to somersault off a cliff.

It was another earthquake. Only 2.5 but the epicentre was literally 3km down the road, 9km below the soil.

I went outside where all was quiet. The house looked fine.

Later I came across the mantis.

Sometimes it feels like we’re living in a magic realist novel.

(The extra was taken at 6:38).

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