West Coaster

By WestCoaster

In the Clouds

Today has been one of those days that has passed slowly, every minute seems like lifetime. The skies have been heavy, grey, the cloud casting ominous shadows moving slowly over, the whistled around the house and having been awake from the wee small hours her song had accompanied my reading until the twins surfaced. I have a pottery mug that holds just over a pint of tea and from waking at just after four I had had a constant mug of tea to ward off the chill of what felt like a winters morning.

It was one of those days when again I was bereft of inspiration for a Blip, the rain was omni-present and the light dreadful for photographing anything. I couldn't settle today, not to anything, I played a bit of guitar, a few bits of music I am working on but just cannot seem to finish, my lyric book dating back many years scattered around my feet but not today was the message. I stowed the acoustic I was playing and brought out the old Washburn, like an old friend we cranked up the volume, headphones sparing the household the vain attempts of an ageing rocker to crank out the riffs.

More tea, the twins dropped at the rink for their skating club and me, well you know, I answered the call of my mistress, the river. The blackness of the sky made the river herself dark, sinister, foreboding or maybe just tainted by the weather. As I walked I had the river to myself, no walkers, no sailors, not today; the weather that attracts people to this place gone. I like her to myself, I am selfish that way...

I sat for a while, cold watching the clouds now racing over the sky with the heightened force of the wind. the words of a song floated through my head and I thought how apt they were for today..

Bright in flames, they're melting with the snow
Precious wishes heavenwards they go
Secrets keep, no one need ever know

When you're in the clouds, in the clouds
In the clouds, in the clouds, in the clouds
You're just a breath away

Painted words are whispered it's no prayer
Whispering words are drifting like the snow

When you're in the clouds, in the clouds
In the clouds, in the clouds, in the clouds
Just a breath away, away

Just a breath away
Just a breath away

The clouds looked like snow on the hills on the North of the river, the clouds rising heavenwards like my thoughts and hopes for the ones I love, they know they are just a breath away, always...

The song is by All About Eve called In the Clouds, a beautiful song with a haunting vocal... I hope you enjoy the shot and I hope tomorrow is a better day for us all

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