Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64


...underneath a mountain of Horse Chestnut leaves was this teeny tiny toadstool. A sunny morning so spent just over an hour in the garden, sorting a bird food delivery, moving plants to their Winter shelter, and raking the leaves. The green bin is now full, and even though my brother had already filled two bins, there are still mountains more to be picked up. Good to get some fresh air and gentle exercise, I need to start building up my energy levels.

This afternoon, when the rain arrived, hunkered down and watched the entire series of All The Light We Cannot See. Brilliant! Read the book some years ago and loved it. The tv series is as good as, if not better than the book. Saint Malo has a very special place in my heart...

Thank you so much for your kind stars and hearts for cheeky Cyril. This morning caught him finishing off Mrs Tiggywinkle’s biscuits!

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